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The TOEIC® Tests

Unlock global opportunities with business English-language proficiency

Why TOEIC?  

By testing real-world language, incorporating email, text messages, and technology-related vocabulary, the TOEIC program assesses practical competency rather than academic ability. This comprehensive approach ensures that employees and students are equipped to communicate accurately in today's business environment, building overall business effectiveness.

With more than four decades of experience understanding business, TOEIC tests provide detailed scoring, ongoing benchmarking and tailored proficiency mapping to build workforce-relevant English communication skills from foundation to fluency.

By choosing TOEIC assessments, you're not just measuring English proficiency — you're assessing practical skills that translate directly to workforce effectiveness.


Trusted and secure testing

Through evidence-centered test design, standardized and secured testing procedures, ETS ensures that:

  • the test delivers reliable and accurate scores
  • test questions are based on real-world workplace situations
  • test scores remain fair and comparable across administrations
  • the tests are research-based with rigorous quality standards
  • test scores align to Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) standards

TOEIC score reports provide meaningful information to help:

Business organizations

  • Build a more English-proficient team for your business.

  • Make more informed decisions on hiring, training and promoting the best candidates.

  • Monitor and demonstrate the effectiveness of the organization’s English-language proficiency programs.

Academic institutions

  • Prepare work-ready graduates for success.

  • Make more informed decisions on student admissions, placement and exiting.

  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of your English-language programs.

  • Enhance the global reputation of your institution. 

Government agencies

  • Cultivate stronger global talent for your government.

  • Make more informed decisions within your government entity and for your country.

  • Bolster your international reputation.

Job Candidates

  • Help you stand out and be recruited in a competitive market.

  • Demonstrate your ability to communicate globally with co-workers and clients.

  • Help you to obtain a job promotion within a company.

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